Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Easy Ways to Save on your Electric Bill this Summer

With the climb in temperature, it's time to prepare your home for the heat of summer. While cooling your home is probably at the top of your list, keep in mind that comes along with a hefty electric bill. Like many Americans, you may want to try to cut back on your energy consumption this summer. It's important as a homeowner to find ways to keep your home comfortable, while cutting back on your expenses. Your trusted real estate agents in Sunrise Beach, MO are here for you! Eagle's Nest Realty has provided some helpful tips to save on your electric bill this summer!

Invest in the Right Thermostat

It can be helpful to regulate the temperature inside your home with a programmable thermostat. This can help you set different times of the day for the temperature to fluctuate. If you're gone to work there is no reason to keep your home cooled off. This smart thermostat helps you program what times of the day you want the air to be up and what days it can turn off.

Use Household Appliances Strategically

To reduce the build up of unnecessary heat inside the home, try to run your appliances during early morning or evening hours. To avoid heating up the home during the hottest times of the day, avoid using your oven, dishwasher, and doing laundry during the afternoon hours.

Utilize Fans for a Breeze

A fan circulating air throughout your home can help a room FEEL cooler than it actually is. This is a great way to be able to keep your home at a warmer temperature, while enjoying a cool breeze. Crank up the fans to help keep you and your family cool this summer.

Unplug Unused Devices

Vampire energy can pull your electricity, even when the device is not in use. Whether you don't use your microwave or television very often, consider unplugging these items until they are needed. You may notice a positive impact on your electric bill this summer!

Close Off Unneeded Rooms

If you have a spare room or a basement that is not occupied on a regular basis, consider blocking off these spaces to keep from cooling unused. You can close the door and shut off the vents to the room you are wishing to close off from the air conditioner.

Turn Off Those Lights

While this may seem like a nag from your childhood - don't forget to turn off the lights! Although there are plenty of ways to reduce your energy consumption, an EASY way is to remind everyone in your home to turn off the lights after they leave a room!

Now that you know some of these insider tips, you're ready to keep your home cool while cutting back on your electric consumption! If electric expense has been holding you back from purchasing a home of your own, there's no need to worry. The best team of real estate agents at the Lake of the Ozarks are here for you. From searching for the right home for your wants and needs to purchasing property at the Lake of the Ozarks, we want to help you to be able to experience the joys of homeownership.

Call (573) 374-0769 to schedule a showing today!

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