Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why Your REALTOR® Will Be Your New Best Friend

When you're buying or selling real estate at the Lake of the Ozarks, having a Sunrise Beach real estate agent on your side can make an incredible difference. Throughout the entire process (and hopefully your future real estate transactions as well), your real estate agent will be right there by your side, guiding and assisting you in any way he or she can. In fact, many people agree that their real estate agents become some of their closest contacts during the process. Here are a few reasons why your REALTOR® at the Lake of the Ozarks will be your new best friend.

Your Agent Has Your Best Interests In Mind.
Both buyers and sellers often want the transaction process to happen as quickly as possible, but other than that, they have very different priorities. As the homebuyer, you want to find a house for the lowest possible price. As the seller, you want to sell your home for the highest possible price. No matter what your needs are, your agent will be right there with you to advocate for your position. 

Nothing Can Shock Your Real Estate Agent.
An experienced Lake of the Ozarks real estate agent has seen it all. Terrible decorating styles, messy divorces that complicate the selling process, unexpected job losses, bankruptcies, deaths in the family... no matter what it is, you can almost guarantee that your agent will have dealt with someone who has experienced it in the past. If and/or when complications in your own life arise, your agent will be able to calmly and rationally help you determine the best path to pursue.

Your Agent Will Be Totally Honest With You.

All good relationships are built on honesty. If you're buying a house, your REALTOR® will be able to help you identify what you can truly afford by educating you on the other costs you will be expected to cover as a homebuyer. If you're selling, your agent will be able to help you identify a realistic asking price and work with you as you negotiate the sale of your home. No matter what your needs are, your agent will be sure to work with you to ensure you have a successful transaction.

Your Relationship With Your Agent Will Last Beyond The Closing Date.
A good real estate agent will work closely with you through the closing date and beyond. If you have future questions about the home you purchased, such as how to gauge if it has gone up in value or selling tips if/when you decide to move, your agent will be there for you. In turn, you can help your agent by referring your friends and family members to him when they are in need of assistance. It's a wonderful relationship!

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